
Comprehensive guide to the ShipKit dashboard


The ShipKit dashboard provides a centralized interface for accessing various development tools and features. This guide covers the dashboard's components, features, and customization options.

Tools Section

The tools section is a key component of the dashboard that provides quick access to various development utilities. It includes a searchable, filterable grid of tools organized by category.

Core Features

// Tool Categories
type ToolCategory =
  | "Formatters"
  | "Testing"
  | "Generators"
  | "Converters"
  | "Security"
  | "Design";

// Tool Interface
interface Tool {
  title: string;
  description: string;
  icon: React.ComponentType<{ className?: string }>;
  href: string;
  isExternal?: boolean;
  category: ToolCategory;
  keywords: string[];

Available Tools

The dashboard includes several built-in tools:

  1. CSS Easing

    • Visual easing function generator for animations
    • Category: Design
    • Features: Animation curves, timing functions, bezier curves
  2. RegEx Tester

    • Test and debug regular expressions
    • Category: Testing
    • Features: Pattern matching, capture groups, flags
  3. Cron Expression Generator

    • Generate and validate cron expressions
    • Category: Generators
    • Features: Schedule generation, time expressions
  4. Hash Generator

    • Generate various hash types
    • Category: Security
    • Features: MD5, SHA256, encryption tools
  5. JWT Debugger

    • Debug and verify JWT tokens
    • Category: Security
    • Features: Token validation, payload inspection
  6. CSS Grid Generator

    • Visual grid layout builder
    • Category: Design
    • Features: Layout templates, responsive design


  1. Search Functionality

    const filteredTools = tools.filter((tool) => {
      const searchTerms = searchQuery.toLowerCase().split(" ");
      return searchTerms.every(term =>
        tool.title.toLowerCase().includes(term) ||
        tool.description.toLowerCase().includes(term) ||
        tool.keywords.some(keyword => keyword.toLowerCase().includes(term))
  2. Category Filtering

    const categories = [
      ...new Set(tools.map((tool) => tool.category)),
    ] as const;
  3. Star/Favorite Tools

    const toggleStar = (toolTitle: string) => {
      setStarredTools((prev) => {
        const next = new Set(prev);
        if (next.has(toolTitle)) {
        } else {
        localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify([...next]));
        return next;
  4. Tool Cards

    const ToolCardContent = ({
    }: {
      tool: Tool;
      isStarred: boolean;
      onToggleStar: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void;
    }) => (
      // Card implementation with title, description, keywords, and actions


  1. Adding New Tools

    const newTool: Tool = {
      title: "Tool Name",
      description: "Tool description",
      icon: IconComponent,
      href: "https://tool-url.com",
      isExternal: true,
      category: "Category",
      keywords: ["keyword1", "keyword2"],
  2. Styling

    // Card styling with Tailwind CSS
    <Card className="cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-muted/50 group">
      {/* Card content */}
  3. Layout

    // Responsive grid layout
    <div className="grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
      {/* Tool cards */}

Best Practices

  1. Performance

    • Use useAutoAnimate for smooth transitions
    • Implement efficient search filtering
    • Cache starred tools in localStorage
  2. Accessibility

    • Include proper ARIA labels
    • Ensure keyboard navigation
    • Provide screen reader support
  3. User Experience

    • Smooth animations
    • Responsive design
    • Clear visual feedback

Error Handling

  1. External Tool Links

      rel="noopener noreferrer"
      onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}
      {/* Link content */}
  2. Local Storage

    useEffect(() => {
      try {
        const stored = localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY);
        if (stored) {
          setStarredTools(new Set(JSON.parse(stored)));
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Failed to load starred tools:', error);
    }, []);


Adding to Layout

// src/app/(app)/(dashboard)/layout.tsx
import { ToolsSection } from './_components/tools-section';

export default function DashboardLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  return (
    <div className="container mx-auto p-6">
      <ToolsSection />

State Management

The dashboard uses React's built-in state management with hooks:

const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState("");
const [selectedCategory, setSelectedCategory] = useState<ToolCategory | "all">("all");
const [selectedTool, setSelectedTool] = useState<Tool | null>(null);
const [starredTools, setStarredTools] = useState<Set<string>>(new Set());
const [showStarredOnly, setShowStarredOnly] = useState(false);


  1. Component Tests

    describe('ToolsSection', () => {
      it('should filter tools based on search', () => {
        // Test implementation
      it('should filter tools by category', () => {
        // Test implementation
      it('should handle starring tools', () => {
        // Test implementation
  2. Integration Tests

    describe('Dashboard Integration', () => {
      it('should load and display tools', () => {
        // Test implementation
      it('should persist starred tools', () => {
        // Test implementation

Security Considerations

  1. External Links

    • Use rel="noopener noreferrer" for external links
    • Validate external tool URLs
    • Implement CSP headers
  2. Local Storage

    • Sanitize stored data
    • Handle storage errors
    • Clear sensitive data

Performance Optimization

  1. Code Splitting

    • Lazy load tool components
    • Optimize images and icons
    • Implement virtual scrolling for large lists
  2. Caching

    • Cache tool data
    • Implement service workers
    • Use localStorage efficiently