Development Workflows

Local development setup and workflows

Development Workflows

ShipKit provides a streamlined development environment with tools and scripts for efficient development.

Local Development Setup


  1. Node.js

    • Use Node.js 18.x or later
    • Recommended: Use nvm with .nvmrc
  2. Package Manager

    • PNPM is the default package manager
    • Install: npm install -g pnpm
  3. Docker

    • Required for local database
    • Docker Compose for service orchestration

Environment Setup

  1. Clone Repository

    git clone
    cd shipkit
  2. Install Dependencies

    pnpm install
  3. Environment Variables

    cp .env.example .env
    # Edit .env with your configuration
  4. Start Database

    docker-compose up -d

Development Server

  1. Start Development Server

    pnpm dev
  2. Access Application

Database Management

Database Scripts

  1. Sync Database

    pnpm db:sync

    This script:

    • Runs Drizzle migrations
    • Initializes Payload CMS
    • Seeds database if SEED_DB=true
  2. Seed Database

    pnpm db:seed

    Seeds the database with:

    • CMS collections (RBAC, Features, FAQs, Testimonials)
    • Initial content
  3. Drop Database

    pnpm db:drop

    Removes all database tables and content

Database Configuration

// docker-compose.yml
    image: postgres:15
      POSTGRES_USER: ${POSTGRES_USER:-lacy_user}
      - "5432:5432"

Development Tools

Code Quality

  1. TypeScript

    • Strict mode enabled
    • Path aliases configured
    • Server/client type separation
  2. ESLint

    pnpm lint
    pnpm lint:fix
  3. Prettier

    pnpm format
    pnpm format:check
  4. Biome

    pnpm biome:check
    pnpm biome:fix


  1. Vitest Configuration

    // vitest.config.ts
    export default defineConfig({
      test: {
        environment: "node",
        include: ["src/**/*.test.ts"],
  2. Run Tests

    pnpm test           # Run all tests
    pnpm test:watch     # Watch mode
    pnpm test:coverage  # Coverage report

Development Practices

Git Workflow

  1. Branch Naming

    • Feature: feature/description
    • Fix: fix/description
    • Release: release/version
  2. Commit Messages

    • Follow conventional commits
    • Include scope: feat(auth): add OAuth provider
  3. Pull Requests

    • Use PR template
    • Include tests
    • Update documentation

Code Organization

  1. Directory Structure

    ├── app/           # Next.js app router
    ├── components/    # React components
    ├── server/        # Server-side code
    │   ├── actions/   # Server actions
    │   ├── services/  # Internal services
    │   └── db/        # Database layer
    ├── lib/           # Shared utilities
    └── types/         # TypeScript types
  2. Component Guidelines

    • Use functional components
    • Implement proper types
    • Add JSDoc comments
    • Include tests
  3. API Guidelines

    • Use server actions
    • Implement error handling
    • Add request validation
    • Document endpoints

Environment Management

Configuration Files

  1. Next.js Config

    // next.config.ts
    const config = {
      // Configuration options
  2. TypeScript Config

    // tsconfig.json
      "compilerOptions": {
        "strict": true,
        "paths": {
          "@/*": ["./src/*"]
  3. Environment Variables

    # .env.example

Environment Sync

# Sync environment variables

# Sync with upstream
pnpm sync:upstream


Vercel Deployment

  1. Configuration

    // vercel.json
      "buildCommand": "pnpm build",
      "devCommand": "pnpm dev",
      "installCommand": "pnpm install"
  2. Environment Setup

    • Configure production variables
    • Set up database connection
    • Enable edge functions
  3. Deployment Commands

    pnpm deploy        # Deploy to production
    pnpm deploy:stage  # Deploy to staging

Best Practices

  1. Code Quality

    • Write clean, maintainable code
    • Follow TypeScript best practices
    • Add comprehensive tests
    • Document complex logic
  2. Performance

    • Optimize bundle size
    • Use proper caching
    • Implement lazy loading
    • Monitor metrics
  3. Security

    • Follow security guidelines
    • Validate user input
    • Use proper authentication
    • Handle sensitive data
  4. Documentation

    • Keep docs up to date
    • Include code examples
    • Document breaking changes
    • Add troubleshooting guides


  • Use TypeScript for all new code
  • Follow the established coding style
  • Write tests for new features
  • Update documentation when needed
  • Use server actions for API calls
  • Keep dependencies up to date